High Priority Legislative Alert
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- Created: 03 March 2025 03 March 2025
The legislature will be taking up a bill that will determine the future on passenger rail north of Brunswick!
LD 487, Resolve, Directing NNEPRA to Apply for Federal Funding for the Purpose of Identifying the Rail Corridor Connecting Portland to Orono as an Intercity Passenger Rail Corridor
Maine’s Transportation Committee has set a public hearing on LD 487 to begin at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 6, 2025, in Room 126 of the State House. The Committee has also scheduled a work session on this bill to be held beginning at 1:30 pm on Thursday, March 13, 2025, in Room 126 of the State House.
This bill represents the future of passenger rail service in Maine, providing a way to expand that service directly to the northern half of our State.
We need as many people as possible to testify in favor of its passage and, if possible, to attend both the public hearing and the work session!!!
Passenger rail in Maine extends only as far north as Brunswick. Many passengers travel from north of that Town to get on Amtrak’s Downeaster service, some from hundreds of miles away. This includes not only people from Maine but from Quebec and the Canadian Maritime provinces as well. Designation of the CSX-owned and operated rail line from Portland through Auburn, Lewiston, Waterville, and Bangor to Orono as an intercity passenger rail corridor will make Maine eligible for federal funds to upgrade that line for passenger use.
Maine DOT Selects Railroad to Operate the Rockland Branch without Downeaster Participation
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- Created: 14 January 2025 14 January 2025
The Maine Department of Transportation has selected Maine Switching Services (MSS) of Unity, ME, to take over operations and maintenance of the Rockland Branch Railroad.(Maine DOT Press Release)
It goes on to say, "MSS intends to resume freight service to existing rail customers on the Rockland Branch this spring and offer scenic train rides and rail excursions by this fall. This will preserve active rail service while MaineDOT continues to evaluate significant bridge infrastructure needs on the line. MSS's proposal does not involve providing host railroad services for an Amtrak Downeaster extension on the Rockland Branch Railroad.
A death knell to NNEPRA's years-long plans to expand Amtrak rail service beyond Brunswick to Rockland? Here's TrainRider's president F. Bruce Sleeper"s analysis:
"TrainRiders is pleased that MDOT has chosen Maine Switching Services as the new operator of the Rockland branch. Although Maine Switching’s proposal did not include hosting Amtrak services on the line, it is our understanding and strong hope that this is because Maine Switching wants to proceed incrementally, first starting with freight service, then progressing to excursion trips, and, finally, introducing regularly scheduled passenger service to the line. This will allow Maine Switching and MDOT to determine what will be necessary for Amtrak or another operator to provide that last service and make whatever improvements might be necessary to ensure its success. Thus, we look upon the current award as the first step in the return of regularly scheduled service on the line. Although this will result in what seems to be a never-ending delay in the initiation of that service, it should lead to better service from day one of its return. We look forward to that day occurring in 2026."
MDOT went on to say that four other railroads had applied to manage the 56-mile-long Rockland branch.
The Downeaster Celebrates Its 10 Millionth Passenger!
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- Created: 19 December 2024 19 December 2024
We've been waiting, waiting, waiting... And now it's official: the Amtrak Downeaster has carried 10 million passengers since 2001!
We interviewed NNEPRA Executive Director Patricia Quinn just before Christmas, asking about this milestone, the special projects currently underway, and what she sees beyond the immediate horizon.
Here's the 10 Million Riders press release from NNEPRA.
Amtrak Downeaster Celebrates 10 Million Riders
PORTLAND, MAINE – The Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) announced that the Amtrak Downeaster celebrated a historic milestone—reaching 10 million riders since its inaugural trip in 2001, a result of a citizens initiative started by Trainriders Northeast.
A special celebration took place on board Downeaster Train 686 southbound out of Brunswick, ME on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Everyone who rode that train between Brunswick and Wells became the 10 millionth passenger! NNEPRA staff handed out cookies and Golden Tickets (valid for a free round-trip on the Downeaster) to passengers to commemorate their part in this historic trip. The on-board celebration combined with special community partnerships, and an online giveaway have helped make the 10-millionth rider milestone truly memorable for all involved.
Read more: The Downeaster Celebrates Its 10 Millionth Passenger!