National Association of Railroad Passengers Opposes Proposed Amtrak Budget Cuts

NarpNE15The recently released Trump budget proposal would eliminate Amtrak's long-distance train service as well as significantly reducing other rail funding. NARP's latest bulletin takes this on by pointing out that more the 200 communities would lose this service and tens of thousands of jobs would be lost.

This is a perennial Republican proposal that has regularly lost in the past Congresses, but with the GOP controlling both houses of Congress as well as the White House, it's time for all passenger rail interests to contact their Washington delegation to point out the folly of this proposal.

Here is NARP's bulletin.

Online Registration for TRN's 28th & Downeaster's 15th!

TRN16InviteOnline Registration:

Register online so that we'll have your name tag ready when you arrive.

  • Registration begins at 11:00 am
  • Meeting opens at 12:30 pm
  • Adjournment at 3:30 pm
  • Downeaster ride from Portland to Freeport - departs at 3:40 pm
  • Enjoy LLBean's spectacular Christmas display/program while in Freeport.
  • Downeaster return trip to Portland and points south departs Freeport at 5:35 pm
    The Portland-Freeport roundtrip courtesy of NNEPRA
Buffet Luncheon

TrainRiders/NE to Celebrate Downeaster's 15th Anniversary on December 15th

TrainRiders/NE is gearing up for our big celebration as the Downeaster marks its 15th anniversary of successful passenger rail service from Maine to Boston.

On Thursday December 15th (yes, 15 years on the 15th), the TrainRiders/NE 28th Annual Meeting will toast those who made this service possible. It will be a luncheon meeting held in the ballroom of the Clarion Hotel which is right next to Portland's Amtrak station. The scheduling of this meeting will allow most of you to arrive and depart by the Downeaster - checkin will start at 11:00 a.m., lunch at 12:30 p.m. and the meeting adjourns by 3:30 p.m. (These are new times, slightly different from the graphic below.)


Soon you'll be receiving a registration form in the mail or be able to sign up on this website.