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Happy Birthday, NNEPRA - Born in 1995!
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- Created: 27 June 2020 27 June 2020
- Hits: 3481 3481
On June 27th, 1995, the Maine Senate cleared away the last legislative hurdle standing in the way of resumption of passenger rail service to Maine. LD 1255, An Act to create the Northern New England Rail Authority, passed by the necessary two-thirds majority, the Maine House having approved it the week before. Governor Angus King signed the bill on June 29th.
From Wayne Davis: "It occurs to me that this act and the last one are important dates not just for Maine - but also for New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Of course, the text goes on to say that without TNE's dogged determination there is little doubt that the bill would have failed - and goes on to thank oodles of folks - Senators Cohen and Snowe, Representative John Baldacci and more."
TrainRiders/NE participated in the writing of the legislation that created NNEPRA - our baby in 1995!
Read all about it in our 1995 newsletter! Click on the old banner below.