TrainRiders Video
Wayne Davis Honored with Governor's Tourism Award.
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- Created: 04 May 2024 04 May 2024
- Hits: 946 946
The last week in April was a banner period for Wayne Davis and TrainRiders/Northeast! We had our 35th Annual Meeting in Freeport, which included addresses from the Amtrak president, NNEPRA's Executive Director, Conway Scenic Railroad's president, UNH Special Projects Director, and Miss Maine!
Wayne's Governor's Award honored his personal dedication to customer service. It was his vision that resulted in the creation of the Amtrak Downeaster. Below is the video shown to hundreds of attendees at the Governor's Tourism Welcome Awards in Portland - honoring his and several other organizations/companies' hospitable approach to tourism in Maine.
Our Washington delegation - Senators Collins, King and Representative Pingree added their congratulations.
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