A Welcome Message from Chairman Emeritus Wayne Davis of TrainRiders/Northeast
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- Created: 06 October 2008 06 October 2008
- Hits: 49879 49879
TrainRiders/Northeast was formed in 1989 as a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to bring modern and efficient passenger rail service to Northern New England.
We have accomplished much - the Downeaster service is our pride and joy - but permanent funding needs your support and there are other cities that want passenger rail service.
Won't you join our efforts?
Wayne Davis, Chairman of the Board
The history of getting the Downeaster 'on track' was neither quick nor easy. There were many obstacles that needed to be overcome. TrainRiders' role in this lengthy process was documented, in part, in a video that was presented at our 20th Anniversary Annual Meeting, May 13, 2008. Our guest speaker was former Maine Senator George Mitchell. Enjoy this look at the past.
Learn about our Background, Goals, Objectives and Historical Highlights
(207) 879-7245 (TRY-RAIL)
In 1989 a group of 21 citizens got together to talk about a return of passenger rail to Maine. The effort led to the creation of the grassroots organization of TrainRiders/Northeast (TNE).
The group, which included interested people from Portland, Augusta & Bangor in Maine and several coastal New Hampshire towns, explored the feasibility of Amtrak’s extending the Northeast Corridor passenger trains from Boston through New Hampshire to Portland, Maine. That was called a first step toward expanding service to other areas of northern New England. We felt then, as now, that implementation of passenger rail should be undertaken on a regional and multi-state basis.
TNE believes that only a strong membership association can convince local and federal governments to take a fresh look at passenger trains. Our purpose is to educate the public about the benefits of rail and the necessity of creating a new transportation vision. We believe that the time has come to move away from our dependence on just two modes of transportation, highways and airways, and move toward a more balanced system so that airways, highways and railways are used appropriately.
We work with elected officials at the local, state and federal levels of government, consumers, rail companies and unions for a coordinated approach to achieving shared goals.
GOALS (adopted 1989)
1. THE RETURN OF PASSENGER RAIL SERVICE TO MAINE from Boston via Haverhill, MA; Exeter, Durham and Dover, NH; Saco/Biddeford and Old Orchard Beach to Portland, Maine.
2. THE RETURN OF PASSENGER RAIL SERVICE TO THE MAINE COAST from Portland to Rockland via Freeport, Brunswick, Bath and Wiscasset.
3. THE RETURN OF PASSENGER RAIL SERVICE TO INLAND MAINE from Portland to Bangor via Lewiston and Waterville, also via Brunswick and Augusta.
1. To establish and maintain a strong citizens’ organization to promote the above goals and insure that they are achieved.
2. To educate the public on the need for passenger rail service and to build public support for its development and operation.
3. To support more comprehensive transportation planning which includes passenger rail service as an essential part of the national transportation system.
4. To encourage the states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont to undertake, in coordination with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, comprehensive studies of the benefits, costs and strategies required to re-establish passenger rail service.
5. To encourage and facilitate cooperation and coordinated action among all parties who will need to be involved in this process, including local, state and federal government agencies, railroad companies, unions, regional planning groups, current and future rail users, and the general public.
March: Organized with 21 members. Quickly rose to more than 800 members – then 1,300.
At TNE’s urging and with the cooperation of the MAINE DOT, the MAINE LEGISLATURE orders passenger ridership study and petitions the WHITE HOUSE for support.
TNE initiates meeting with top Maine DOT Officials, Amtrak’s president and senior management at Union Station in Washington, DC.
TNE urges Maine congressional delegation to request that Amtrak conduct study to determine cost of service. Estimate is approximately $50 million - $30 million for right-of-way improvements and $20 million for equipment. Our project is determined to be feasible by AMTRAK and the URBAN MASS TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION. (Today’s Federal Transit Administration)
1990 - 1991
TrainRiders/Northeast and RailVision Political Action Committee initiate Maine legislative bill by collecting nearly 90,000 voter signatures.
TNE Chairman, Wayne Davis, testifies before Congress seeking federal funding for additional 403-B subsidized passenger train service.
July 14:TNE drafts language for what becomes the first citizen-initiated bill to be adopted by the Maine Legislature in the history of the state. Maine DOT endorses bill, Legislature adopts it, and Governor John McKernan signs "PASSENGER RAIL SERVICE ACT" into law.
July, August, and September: MAINE DOT and TNE seek funding at federal level. Trips to Washington with Maine DOT officials to meet with heads of Urban Mass Transit Administration, Federal Railroad Administration AMTRAK & Congressional Delegations of ME & NH.
September: US Congress authorizes additional funds for the Amtrak 403-B Program.
November: Amtrak’s President, W. Graham Claytor, Jr. commits to supply $20 million worth of equipment for the service at no cost to the State of Maine
May: TNE organizes national conference, BUILDING REGIONAL RAIL, A KEY TO ECONOMIC RECOVERY, at the New England Center at the Univ of New Hampshire. US Senate majority leader George Mitchell of Maine opens conference. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts DOT officials participate with attendees from all over the country. This is first intercity passenger rail conference in memory held in New England.
June: Maine citizens approve $5.4 million rail bond, $3 million of which is state match for federal funds, with remainder for improvement to state-owned rail lines.
Fall: TNE informative efforts prompt Gill Carmichael, FRA ADMINISTRATOR to personally deliver a $60,000 grant to Maine DOT for design work for an intermodal terminal in Portland.
October: Bipartisan federal efforts result in congressional appropriations of $25.5 million for right-of-way improvements.
1993: $9.5 million for right-of-way improvements.
1994: $3.6 million for right-of-way improvements.
TOTAL APPROPRIATION amounts to $38.6 million for right-of-way improvements.
Maine DOT and TNE select design engineering team to conduct engineering and environmental assessments. Work completed in May.
June: TNE organizes a second conference at the New England Center at UNH. Speakers and attendees from Europe, Asia, the US and Canada participate in CONNECTIONS, THE CHALLENGE OF MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION. The Congressional Commission on Intermodal Transportation through efforts of Commission Member & TNE Chairman Wayne Davis holds its first formal meeting as part of the conference. Press calls the event "World class."
September: TNE, Maine DOT and the Coalition of Northeastern Governors (CONEG) sponsor a one-day visit of the German Intercity Express, called THE ICE TRAIN, to Portland as the last stop on its national tour.
October: Maine DOT submits Section 3 Grant application to FTA for project implementation.
October: Congressional appropriations of $9.5 million for right-of-way improvements.
13C labor negotiations between Maine DOT and Railway Labor Executives’ Association begin in January. Final draft agreement distributed to MAINE ATTORNEY GENERAL’S office and US DEPT OF LABOR for review and approval in October.
October: TNE sponsors meeting of Washington-based National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) in Portland. Delegates travel aboard a special Amtrak inspection train, THE TALGO, between Boston, Exeter, Dover and Portland for the three-day event.
October: Congressional appropriations of $3.6 million for right-of-way improvements. TOTAL CONGRESSIONAL APPROPRIATION IS NOW $38.6 million.
January: A new Maine Legislature, new governor Angus King, and new Commissioner of Transportation John Melrose require formation of a passenger rail authority to be responsible for signing final documents authorizing startup of rail service.
Fall: TNE works with state Chamber of Commerce and industry, Maine DOT Commissioner John Melrose, business leaders and others from January through June 27, 1995 to convince the Maine Legislature to create the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA).
January - Fall: Negotiations between AMTRAK, GUILFORD TRANSPORTATION and NNEPRA begin in earnest. TNE attempts to assist in resolving areas of conflict among the participants as negotiations fail.
Fall: TNE meets with Maine’s Governor King, state and federal officials and Amtrak’s president and chief management to request that the entire list of differences be submitted to the FEDERAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD (STB) in Washington for settlement.
It takes all parties until MARCH to prepare documents for the critical submission requested in fall of 1996. The date of closure is AUGUST 26, 1997.
April: Meanwhile, Congress creates multi-billion dollar capital fund for Amtrak which entitles Maine to an additional $23 million to be used to provide 79 MPH service up from 60 and to extend service to FREEPORT & BRUNSWICK. Maine Senator Olympia Snowe visits Portland to deliver first payment of $11.6 million with promise to deliver additional equal payment in 1999.
May 29: STB ruling makes it possible for Amtrak, the State of Maine and Guilford Transportation to begin limited right-of-way improvements during summer and autumn.
Differences of opinion among the parties as to rail WEIGHT (115 lb vs 132 lb) and train SPEED (60 MPH vs 79 MPH) delay project until December.
December: All parties agree that the speed will be 79 MPH and that the rail weight issue will be submitted to the STB for resolution without delaying the project startup.
November: TNE, together with the Conservation Law Foundation, American Skiing Company, and the Vermont Natural Resources Council sponsor a rail conference at the New England Center at the University of NH. A 21st CENTURY NEW ENGLAND RAIL SYSTEM: A BLUEPRINT FOR ACTION. Conference opened by Governor Shaheen of NH draws national speakers to participate with federal and state officials from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts.
January: TNE and NNEPRA sponsor a symbolic ground-breaking with participation of Guilford Transportation, Amtrak, federal, state and local officials.
June: TNE co-sponsors with Maine DOT a multi-state rail summit meeting of state and federal officials at UNH as a follow-up to the rail conference of the previous November. This meeting was supposed to result in a new multi-state regional approach to passenger rail service throughout northern New England led by Maine’s Commissioner of Transportation. Unfortunately no such agreement could be reached prior to adjournment.
October: STB issues decision stating that the line with its 115 pound rail is "adequate for safe operation of trains at speeds of up to 79 MPH."
During the building season over two hundred thousand (200,000) tons of new ballast and thousands of new rail ties are installed. New rail is installed from the Massachusetts/NH state line to South Portland, with welding completed to Old Orchard Beach. Final welding is completed in spring of 2001. All 23 public grade crossings are rehabilitated and equipped with gates, lights and bells.
February: Despite previous FEDERAL STB RULING that the line can accommodate 79 MPH SPEEDS, GUILFORD again announces its refusal to permit passenger train speeds greater than 59 MPH and denies Amtrak access to the line to conduct previously FRA ordered track modulus testing.
March: TNE meets with MAINE’S GOVERNOR KING and top DOT and NNEPRA members to seek resolution to the seemingly endless obstacles.
March: Amtrak petitions the STB to settle the speed issue, requesting an expedited ruling.
April: TNE files as an intervenor to assist in Amtrak’s Surface Transportation Board proceeding and also requests an expedited ruling.
June: STB issues decision stating Amtrak must be granted access to Guilford’s rail line to perform a rail modulus test.
Crossing upgrades, signal improvements and cleanup procedures continue through the summer and fall.
October: Gov King holds joint press conference with TNE, the Maine DOT, NNEPRA and Guilford Transportation to announce that the date of the Inaugural Run will be DECEMBER 14.
December 14: Gov Angus King, TNE chairman Wayne Davis, and NNEPRA director Michael Murray board the ceremonial train at Boston’s North Station. TNE board members as well as both the president and executive director of NARP, Ross Capon, Sen. Olympia Snowe, Sen. Susan Collins, Rep Tom Allen, Rep John Baldacci and other dignitaries and guests from all over the United States and Canada are also on board.
Amtrak’s new DOWNEASTER looks magnificent with its gleaming cars and sparkling windows. The colorful red, white and blue locomotive carries the new logo THE DOWNEASTER on its sides and DOWNEASTER; OPERATED BY AMTRAK across the front.
After pulling out of Boston to the rousing cheers and applause of over 400 invited passengers and, as it approaches all stations along the route - Haverhill, Exeter, Durham, Dover, Wells, Saco and Old Orchard Beach - the pealing of church bells and playing of live music on platforms, the DOWNEASTER arrives in Portland. Spirits are high and even emotional on all platforms as the DOWNEASTER brings memories of a treasured rail transportation system, future aspirations, and the prospect of economic benefits to every community both on and beyond the rail line. The day’s events culminate in a huge reception at Portland’s Exposition Building.
December 15, 2001: At 6:05 AM the first scheduled passenger train for the general public pulls out of Portland’s new Transportation Center for Boston.
Since that day, communities all along the line have reported benefits and endorsed the success of the train. Supporting Amtrak’s effort to provide superior service, they have shown their commitment by undertaking trackside improvements of stations, platforms, parking and other facilities to capitalize on economic and transportation benefits brought by the train.
Early success has augmented efforts to expand DOWNEASTER passenger service beyond Portland and throughout northern New England.
The goals and Objectives, above, adopted by TNE over 30 years ago have become even more significant. Not only has the consequence of sprawl been proven unacceptable and the strain on air travel excessive, the changing global political and environmental climate and the impact of 9/11 show the importance of fulfilling these goals and objectives as quickly as possible.
Please join us in our efforts to create a regional rail system.
Only you can make it all happen.
*June 6, 2016